
Why I play 15 minutes with my child every day

Today I will tell you why I play 15 min­utes with my child every day.

”The prob­lem was I was play­ing or just sit­ting next to him so much, that I realised he does­n’t play by him­self and the house was upside down all the time. More­over, I thought that he did­n’t lis­ten to me, because he saw me more like a friend than his mum.”

Why I play 15 minutes with my child every day

My son start­ed nurs­ery at 3 years old, so we played a lot every day. Even at 4 years old, I kept my after­noons only for him, because I knew play was impor­tant.

The prob­lem was I was play­ing or just sit­ting next to him so much, that I realised he does­n’t play by him­self and the house was upside down all the time. More­over, I thought that he did­n’t lis­ten to me, because he saw me more like a friend than his mum.

One year lat­er, I man­age to keep the house clean and A lis­tens to me. I made some changes in our day to day life and one of them was to play 15 min­utes with my child every day.

Did I jump from 1 hour intense play to 10 min­utes intense play? Yes and it was hor­ri­ble. My son did­n’t know what hap­pened and he was act­ing out. I am not a fan of sud­den changes, but I want­ed to give it a try. Well, it did­n’t work for us, so I adjust­ed it to our lifestyle. I start­ed to play 30 min­utes with him for a cou­ple of days, then I con­tin­ued with 20 min­utes. I told him I can’t play all day, because I have to cook and do house­work. Some­times, he choos­es to play some more in his room, oth­er times he comes to check on me. What if I watch a video instead of doing some work?

Why do I play 15 minutes with my child every day?

  • we love play­ing togeth­er
  • 1 hour is too much for me and 10 min­utes are not enough for A
  • some­times he asks ques­tions
  • we praise each oth­er
  • my Cutie and I like to get cre­ative
  • we laugh
  • I want him to remem­ber that we had lots of fun togeth­er
  • plus every­thing men­tioned below

Why is it important to spend 10 minutes with your child every day?

  • for a good rela­tion­ship with your child
  • devel­op­ing his or her imag­i­na­tion
  • try­ing new expe­ri­ences and new skills
  • build­ing con­fi­dence
  • phys­i­cal devel­op­ment
  • social inter­ac­tion

Chil­dren need play­time with their par­ents and they can mis­be­have or seek for atten­tion because of lack of atten­tion. Tell your child to choose an activ­i­ty and let your­self go in his or her world for ten min­utes. No com­pe­ti­tions, no rules, just engage in the play 10 min­utes a day!

One of the rea­sons that helped my rela­tion­ship with my child was being engaged in his play for a cou­ple of min­utes. Try it and tell me how it goes!



Read more:

Win­ter hol­i­day in Lake Dis­trict – Part 2

Going wild at ZSL Whip­snade Zoo

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