Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day, a global campaign that promotes the safe use of the internet. I selected for you some useful websites and I tell you how these can help you and your children.


Safer Internet Day

Internet matters is a useful websites for parents, because it teaches you how to set parental controls. I thought that parental controls were only for social media and search engines, but you can do more. You can set parental controls on Amazon, smartphones, Windows, mobile networks and gaming console and this website tells you how to do it.

Common sense media is a website that offer reviews for what your children want to watch. I love it, because it is for parents who stress when it comes to the appropriate age for watching a movie. For example, Paw Patrol and Frozen 2 are now played in cinemas and their certificate guidance is U. The U symbol stands for universal and it is suitable for audiences aged four years and over. If you check this website, you will see that the age recommendation is different. They recommend Paw Patrol for children over 3, while Frozen 2 for children over 6. Scroll down after you choose a movie and find out more.

Net-aware has collected 54 social networks, apps and games and it tells you if they present a low, medium or high risk when it comes to violence, bullying, suicide, sexual and drink, drugs and crime. It tells the official age rating too. For example, the official age rating on YouTube is 13 years old and it presents a high risk in these categories. On Instagram, the sexual and bullying risks are high, while the violence, suicide and crime are at a medium risk and the official age rating is 13 years old.

If you need more resources about talking to your child, check Safer Internet and if you want to report online grooming or abuse, go to CEOP.

Was this article helpful for you? Do you agree with the age rating when it comes about social media, apps and games? I personally don’t, especially Instagram.



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