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Our Wedding Anniversary in London

Last year, my hus­band and I cel­e­brat­ed our wed­ding anniver­sary in Lon­don and it was beau­ti­ful! We want­ed to go some­where nice and do some­thing spe­cial because in pre­vi­ous years, we either couldn’t, didn’t want to or sim­ply cel­e­brat­ed at home. My hus­band planned the trip, so let me tell you how it went.

We drove to Lon­don and head­ed straight to our hotel for check-in. My hus­band had dis­cov­ered a restau­rant some time ago, so we went there for lunch. We ordered deli­cious pas­ta, shared a creamy tiramisu, and sim­ply enjoyed each other’s com­pa­ny. The plan was to take a walk and explore the city after­ward, but instead, we end­ed up going back to the hotel for a quick nap. And hon­est­ly, it was worth it!

Lat­er that day, we wan­dered on the streets of Lon­don and vis­it­ed unique shops like The For­bid­den Plan­et and The Nob­ble Col­lec­tion. As we made our way to Covent Gar­den, I was com­plete­ly cap­ti­vat­ed by the live­ly atmos­phere, the street per­for­mances, and the his­toric charm of the area. One of the high­lights was dis­cov­er­ing Venchi, an incred­i­ble ice-cream shop where I instant­ly fell in love with their creamy gela­to and rich choco­late treats.

One of the places we had been look­ing for­ward to vis­it­ing was Mr. Fogg’s Soci­ety of Explo­ration. How­ev­er, when we arrived, the place was full, so we had to wait for a bit. Instead of let­ting that damp­en our spir­its, we found a cozy pub near­by where I sipped on a warm coffee—saving my taste buds for the cock­tails I knew were com­ing lat­er.

When we final­ly stepped into Mr. Fogg’s Soci­ety of Explo­ration, it felt like step­ping into a scene from a mys­te­ri­ous adven­ture film. The dim light­ing cast a moody red glow over the room and the entire place was designed like an old-world saloon, filled with arti­facts, globes, and vin­tage trav­el mem­o­ra­bil­ia. It tru­ly embod­ied the spir­it of Phileas Fogg, the leg­endary trav­el­er from Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days.

The bar­tenders, dressed in peri­od-style out­fits, craft­ed some of the most exquis­ite cock­tails we had ever tast­ed. Each drink was inspired by dif­fer­ent parts of the world, mak­ing it feel like we were embark­ing on a glob­al adven­ture with every sip. The ambiance was both inti­mate and thrilling, mak­ing it the per­fect place to cel­e­brate love and new mem­o­ries.

Our wed­ding anniver­sary in Lon­don was every­thing we had hoped for and more. From deli­cious food and unique shop­ping expe­ri­ences to the mys­te­ri­ous and enchant­i­ng atmos­phere, it was tru­ly a cel­e­bra­tion to remem­ber. Have you ever cel­e­brat­ed a spe­cial occa­sion in Lon­don? How did you spend your time? I’d love to hear from you in a com­ment below.

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