
Discover Dinosaurs with Wonders of Learning

Dinosaurs have always fas­ci­nat­ed chil­dren and grown-ups alike. How­ev­er, “Dis­cov­er Dinosaurs with Won­ders of Learn­ing” made me realise that I am real­ly bad at dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing dinosaurs 😀. I would name all the fly­ing dinosaurs “ptero­dactyl” because they all look the same to me.

The fun start­ed when my Cutie went to his room. I heard the door of his wardrobe creak and for a moment, I thought he was going to dress up in a dinosaur cos­tume. But to my sur­prise, he put on his shirt and exclaimed, “Mum­my, I’m going on an adven­ture!”

Discover Dinosaurs with Wonders of Learning

His excite­ment did­n’t stop there. At first, he said, “There are no dinosaurs!”, but I remind­ed him about the buck­et full of dinosaur toys he had and soon we were roar­ing togeth­er. That’s when I remem­bered a book we had bought some time ago—one I’d tucked away for rea­sons I can’t quite recall. Maybe it was too many dinosaurs, too many toys or maybe he was too young for it at the time.

The tim­ing couldn’t have been more per­fect now! My Cutie was thrilled when I hand­ed him the book. To his delight, it wasn’t just a book—it also came with a fos­sil exca­va­tion kit. He eager­ly got to work carv­ing, uncov­er­ing dinosaur fos­sils one by one. I helped him a lit­tle, but he was so focused and excit­ed through­out the process. The fos­sils we found were part of a mod­el kit that allowed him to build his own dinosaur.

Building, Reading and Learning

We had so much fun carv­ing and dis­cov­er­ing fos­sils with the Won­ders of Learn­ing kit. The next steps were just as excit­ing: build­ing the dinosaur, div­ing into the book for fas­ci­nat­ing facts and explor­ing the activ­i­ty book filled with fun and edu­ca­tion­al tasks.

I’m so glad I redis­cov­ered this kit, espe­cial­ly since my Cutie has been learn­ing about dinosaurs at school. With this set, he’s able to explore even more infor­ma­tion and expand his curios­i­ty about these incred­i­ble crea­tures.

Dis­cov­er Dinosaurs with Won­ders of Learn­ing made me realise that I am real­ly bad at dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing dinosaurs 😀. I would name all the fly­ing dinosaurs “ptero­dactyl”, because they all look the same to me.

Bringing Dinosaurs to Life

One of the hard­cov­er books in the set fea­tures a strik­ing T‑Rex illus­tra­tion. Inspired, we grabbed a lantern, turned off the lights and pro­ject­ed the image onto the wall. The result? A spooky and life­like dinosaur shad­ow that filled the room! It was such a cre­ative and fun way to end our evening.

Discover Dinosaurs with Wonders of Learning

This dinosaur kit brought us so much joy—from carv­ing fos­sils to build­ing dinosaurs and read­ing togeth­er. We had a won­der­ful time learn­ing and play­ing and we can’t wait to dive fur­ther into the activ­i­ty book. Whether it’s for a dinosaur enthu­si­ast or a curi­ous lit­tle learn­er, Dis­cov­er Dinosaurs with Won­ders of Learn­ing is a fan­tas­tic way to spark imag­i­na­tion and curios­i­ty.

Have you ever tried some­thing like this with your lit­tle ones? Or maybe you’ve had your own dinosaur-themed adven­tures? I would love to hear about your expe­ri­ences or how your chil­dren react to activ­i­ties like this. Leave a com­ment below and let’s share some fun dino sto­ries togeth­er!

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