
Discover Dinosaurs with Wonders of Learning

Dis­cov­er Dinosaurs with Won­ders of Learn­ing made me real­ize that I am real­ly bad at dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing dinosaurs 😀 . I would name all the fly­ing dinosaurs ”ptero­dactyl”, because they all look the same to me.

My Cutie went to his room and I heard the door of his wardrobe. I thought he would dress up in a dinosaur cos­tume, but I was wrong. He put on his shirt and said: Mum­my, I’m going on an adven­ture!

My Cutie went to his room and I heard the door of his wardrobe. I thought he would dress up in a dinosaur cos­tume, but I was wrong. He put on his shirt and said: Mum­my, I’m going on an adven­ture!

Discover Dinosaurs with Wonders of Learning

There are no dinosaurs!, he said and I remind­ed him that he had a buck­et full of dinosaurs, so we start­ed to roar togeth­er. Sud­den­ly I remem­bered about a book that we bought around a year ago. I don’t remem­ber exact­ly why I hid it. Too many dinosaurs, too many books, too many toys or too young for it, but the tim­ing was per­fect now.


He was so excit­ed to open his new book and so hap­py to find a fos­sil exca­va­tion kit. He focused on carv­ing, try­ing to dis­cov­er the dinosaur fos­sils and it was so cool when we found them. It took him some time to carve and I helped him a lit­tle. The fos­sils that we found are part of a mod­el kit, so you can build the dinosaur.

We enjoyed carv­ing and dis­cov­er­ing dinosaur fos­sils with Won­ders of Learn­ing and the next steps for us were build­ing the dinosaur, read­ing the book and hav­ing fun with the activ­i­ty book.

I am so hap­py that I remem­bered about this book, because my Cutie has just learnt at school about dinosaurs. Now, with this set he can find even more infor­ma­tion. Dis­cov­er Dinosaurs with Won­ders of Learn­ing made me real­ize that I am real­ly bad at dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing dinosaurs 😀 . I would name all the fly­ing dinosaurs ”ptero­dactyl”, because they all look the same to me.

One of the hard­cov­ers has an image with a T‑Rex and we took a lantern. We turned off the lights, we pro­ject­ed the image on the wall and saw a scary dinosaur shad­ow. We had a love­ly evening and we can’t wait to read the books.

Carv­ing for dinosaur fos­sils with Won­ders of Learn­ing
Dis­cov­er dinosaur fos­sils with Won­ders of Learn­ing

Love, Alexan­dra


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