social media icons that come on sticks looking like lollipops and this picture is used to represent the blog title which is safer internet day 2025

Safer Internet Day

Safer Inter­net Day is a glob­al ini­tia­tive aimed at pro­mot­ing the safe and respon­si­ble use of the inter­net. It will take place on 11th of Feb­ru­ary and I gath­ered some fan­tas­tic resources to help you and your fam­i­ly stay safe online. Let’s dive into a few tools and tips that can make nav­i­gat­ing the dig­i­tal world eas­i­er for you and your chil­dren.

Safer Internet Day

Inter­net Mat­ters is a bril­liant resource for par­ents look­ing to set up parental con­trols. Did you know that these con­trols go beyond just social media and search engines? You can also set restric­tions on plat­forms like Ama­zon, smart­phones, Win­dows, mobile net­works and gam­ing con­soles. This web­site pro­vides step-by-step guides to help you pro­tect your child no mat­ter what device they use.

If you’ve ever stressed over whether a movie, TV show or app is appro­pri­ate for your child, Com­mon Sense Media is a life­saver. I love it, because it is for par­ents who stress when it comes to the appro­pri­ate age for watch­ing a movie and I am one of these par­ents. For exam­ple, Paw Patrol and Frozen 2 are now played in cin­e­mas and their cer­tifi­cate guid­ance is U. The U sym­bol stands for uni­ver­sal and it is suit­able for audi­ences aged four years and over. If you check this web­site, you will see that the age rec­om­men­da­tion is dif­fer­ent. They rec­om­mend Paw Patrol for chil­dren over 3, while Frozen 2 for chil­dren over 6. Scroll down after you choose a movie and you will find detailed insights about the con­tent, help­ing you make an informed deci­sion.

Plugged In reviews movies, videos, music, TV shows and games. While movies receive con­tent cau­tion rat­ings for kids, teens and adults, oth­er cat­e­gories pro­vide detailed con­tent descrip­tions, allow­ing par­ents to make informed deci­sions.

Do you agree with the age rat­ings on plat­forms like social media apps and games? Per­son­al­ly, I feel that the 13+ age rat­ing for plat­forms like Insta­gram may not be appro­pri­ate, giv­en the risks of expo­sure to bul­ly­ing, inap­pro­pri­ate con­tent and the pres­sures of social media. What are your thoughts on this mat­ter? Leave a com­ment below.

Stay safe online and let’s keep our children’s dig­i­tal world secure and pos­i­tive.


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