Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Inter­net Day, a glob­al cam­paign that pro­motes the safe use of the inter­net. I select­ed for you some use­ful web­sites and I tell you how these can help you and your chil­dren.

Safer Internet Day

Inter­net mat­ters is a use­ful web­sites for par­ents, because it teach­es you how to set parental con­trols. I thought that parental con­trols were only for social media and search engines, but you can do more. You can set parental con­trols on Ama­zon, smart­phones, Win­dows, mobile net­works and gam­ing con­sole and this web­site tells you how to do it.

Com­mon sense media is a web­site that offer reviews for what your chil­dren want to watch. I love it, because it is for par­ents who stress when it comes to the appro­pri­ate age for watch­ing a movie. For exam­ple, Paw Patrol and Frozen 2 are now played in cin­e­mas and their cer­tifi­cate guid­ance is U. The U sym­bol stands for uni­ver­sal and it is suit­able for audi­ences aged four years and over. If you check this web­site, you will see that the age rec­om­men­da­tion is dif­fer­ent. They rec­om­mend Paw Patrol for chil­dren over 3, while Frozen 2 for chil­dren over 6. Scroll down after you choose a movie and find out more.

Net-aware has col­lect­ed 54 social net­works, apps and games and it tells you if they present a low, medi­um or high risk when it comes to vio­lence, bul­ly­ing, sui­cide, sex­u­al and drink, drugs and crime. It tells the offi­cial age rat­ing too. For exam­ple, the offi­cial age rat­ing on YouTube is 13 years old and it presents a high risk in these cat­e­gories. On Insta­gram, the sex­u­al and bul­ly­ing risks are high, while the vio­lence, sui­cide and crime are at a medi­um risk and the offi­cial age rat­ing is 13 years old.

If you need more resources about talk­ing to your child, check Safer Inter­net and if you want to report online groom­ing or abuse, go to CEOP.

Was this arti­cle help­ful for you? Do you agree with the age rat­ing when it comes about social media, apps and games? I per­son­al­ly don’t, espe­cial­ly Insta­gram.



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