
King Arthur’s Labyrinth | Family Day Out

We went to Snow­do­nia and want­ed to have a fam­i­ly day out, so we decid­ed to vis­it King Arthur’s Labyrinth. It was mag­i­cal!

After we got out of the car and start­ed walk­ing to the entrace, I felt that we were enter­ing a new world. The shops, the cave, the maze, every­thing looked mis­te­ri­ous. We were so delight­ed because we had nev­er seen some­thing like that before.

How was our expe­ri­ence at King Arthur’s Labyrinth? Imag­ine that we entered an under­ground cave and we were wel­comed by men in long black robes with hoods. We start­ed explor­ing the tun­nels and cav­erns after we sailed through a water­fall and a Dark Age Boat­man guid­ed our boat. We lis­tened to leg­ends, saw drag­ons and it felt mag­i­cal.


After this adven­ture, we entered a maze. We lis­tened to the sto­ries of the Lost Leg­ends of the Stone Cir­cle, had fun in the maze and we saw a talk­ing tree. I fell in love with a drag­on foun­tain and it was a fas­ci­nat­ing expe­ri­ence.

We vis­it­ed this myth­i­cal place when our Cutie was 3 years old. The boat expe­ri­ence in the under­groung cave was stun­ning as well as the maze with all its dec­o­ra­tions. We did­n’t man­age to lis­ten to all the leg­ends at the Lost Leg­ends of the Stone Cir­cle, because my Cutie did­n’t have patience, but vis­it­ing this place it’s an experiece that is total­ly worth it.

Lis­ten­ing to one of the leg­ends

King Arthur’s Labyrinth is a myth­i­cal world and we fell in love with it.

Did you know that King Arthur’s Labyrinth was named Best Vis­i­tor Attrac­tion in Mid Wales in the Nation­al Tourism Awards for Wales 2018? If you want to book a tick­et or to plan your vis­it, take a look on their web­site here.

How much does it cost? One adult tick­et for the Labyrinth costs 12.25£ and one child(4–15 years old) tick­et costs 8.15£. For Lost Leg­ends of the Stone Cir­cle, one adult tick­et costs 4.95£ and one child tick­et costs 2.90£. They offer dis­count tick­ets, so I rec­om­mend check­ing the web­site too.

King Arthur’s Labyrinth is one of the places that I would like to vis­it again and it is per­fect for a fam­i­ly day out! And I miss Snow­do­nia too!

P.S.: Regard­ing the talk­ing tree, my Cutie went to school and told his friends and teacher that he went to Wales and he saw a talk­ing tree. Not very con­vinc­ing 😀



The Talk­ing Tree at King Arthur’s Labyrinth

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