PAW Patrol Ride ‘n Rescue Vehicle – Chase

PAW Patrol Ride ‘n Rescue Vehicle — Chase

One of the toys that my Cutie loves is the Paw Patrol Ride ‘n Res­cue Vehi­cle. There are two of ride ‘n res­cue vehi­cles, one with Chase and one with Mar­shall. Let me tell you why this Paw Patrol car is so cool!

At first I did­n’t want to buy this one. Why? Because my Cutie has enough toys. My hus­band start­ed to con­vince me and I answered an hope­less ok.

I thought it was just a car with Chase, a cat and a rab­bit, but no, it’s way more fun. I was actu­al­ly sur­prised when I saw the car open and my Cutie play­ing with it, because I had no idea that it does some­thing else except rid­ing.

There’s a whole adven­ture when play­ing with this vehi­cle, because you have to save the ani­mals: Cali the cat, a rab­bit and the squir­rels. At one point you have to use the ten­nis balls in order to save Cali.

This Paw Patrol Ride ‘n Res­cue Vehi­cle will encour­age your child to tidy up his or her toys 😀 . Why? Well, if you lose the ten­nis balls or the ani­mals, the toy will not be so fun any­more. This toy amongst oth­ers have a spe­cial place on our shelf and I real­ly think it is worth the mon­ey.

Will you like it? 😀 Yes! Will your child play with it? If your child is over 3 years old and if he or she watch­es Paw Patrol, your child will love it.




Are you look­ing for anoth­er review? Read about Dis­cov­er Dinosaurs with Won­ders of Learn­ing

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